January 6, 2021
This fall, the students and teachers at New Hampton Elementary and Middle School were lucky enough to be in person. Jeff Monteith, K-12 Extended Learning Program (ELP) Teacher, is...
August 22, 2020
Elementary parents/students : can't wait to see everyone Monday! Some simple guidelines and procedures to keep everyone safe are attached! Office opens at 7:30- 4pm. School hours ...
August 3, 2020
Elementary Open House Looks Different
May 20, 2020
Attention Parents and Students:
We will be collecting iPads for updates and returning any materials left in the lockers and locker rooms May 21 and May 22 from 8am-6pm. All sch...
May 20, 2020
Today the 8th graders met with Jessie and Elliott from the Soldiers of Destiny motor scooter club. They shared their story of riding 125 CC scooters from Florida to Washington sta...
December 18, 2019
T he Iowa Department of Education has released a new online report that shows how public schools performed in a new accountability system that meets the Every Student Succeeds Ac...
December 18, 2019
The New Hampton Community School District is dedicated to eliminating bullying in our school and helping every child feel safe. Your child should immediately report any bullying b...